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Celebrating Energy Saving in Our Schools

The Acer Trust is a group of seven schools in Oxfordshire, including Watlington Primary School and Icknield Community College. In autumn...

Home Energy Advice

Tom Robinson On 6th February the Homes & Energy team led by Kate Brown ran a community advice desk at the Parish council offices. The...

Watlington Community Energy Initiative

In a time of rising energy bills, international energy insecurity, and an ongoing climate crisis, the benefits of identifying cheap,...

Home and Energy

We need your help with a project! Watlington Community Energy, a volunteer-run community programme is looking for project team members...

The Importance of being Imperfect

Everyone can make a difference to their impact on the planet, and there are many ways to achieve this, but the mix of things will be...

What is the shape of your footprint?

Everyone’s environmental footprint is different, but what shape is yours and what shape would you like it to be? 1. First mark on...

Homes and Energy Survey, 2021

Homes and Energy Survey, 2021 Thank-you to everyone who took part in Watlington Climate Action Group’s Homes and Energy survey over the...

A window is a radiator

It's hot in the UK this week. Not hot like a north American heat dome, but still uncomfortably warm, and hot enough that the Met Office...

Welcome to our Homes & Energy survey!

The information you provide will be used to understand the status of housing and energy usage across Watlington Parish in order to better ta


With estimates varying from around 41 to 47% of total production, the proportion of electricity from renewable sources in the UK has...

Thermal Imaging Project

Kate Brown was out in the cold weather in February taking thermal images of homes for the 50 people who signed up – thank you to...

Electric Vehicles Event Summary

Details on the upcoming Electric Vehicle Event - 14th April, 19:45 BST Register Here:

My Electric Vehicle (EV) 2020/21

I know nothing about cars but having to commute from Watlington to Oxford every working day means I spend a lot of time in one. Once...

Home and Energy

The Homes and Energy project is making its first steps this winter in spite of the lockdown. Kate Brown has been carrying out thermal...

Blog: Blog2
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