Here are the ways you can get involved in Watlington Climate Action Group! There is never any pressure to do more than fits in with your other commitments so just let us know what you like the sound of!
Bitesize Volunteer - this role is for you if you don't have much time, but are able to be called upon to help out occasionally with small jobs such as writing a blog, distributing leaflets, helping out with an event. Let us know what kind of interests and skills you have and we'll contact you as and when.
Get involved with a project
Green Plan - this will need volunteers to help with tree planting and hedge planting, hedgehog project, road verge survey. Botanical knowledge an asset but not a requirement - you'll be matched to a role that fits your skills, interests and time available. Contact Fiona Danks for more information
Homes & Energy - volunteers needed for sewing draft excluders, delivering leaflets, helping promote the kick-off event in March, being on the organising committee, helping with various sub-projects. Contact Kate Brown for more information
Plastic Free Watlington - volunteers required to talk to businesses and organisations about reducing single-use plastic. This is easier than it sounds as there is a simple spreadsheet to complete. Contact Nicola Schafer for more information.
Repair Cafe - this project is currently on hold due to a lack of resource. We need someone who could take on the role of Project leader and make this happen. A number of repairers have been identified - more required. Training is available. Contact Nicola Schafer for more information
Events - volunteers to run events or be on the team - we have checklists of what to do to help. Contact Nicola Schafer for more information
Social Media - we need someone to support our Social Media and Website lead - contact Satnam for more information
PR and Blogs - good for budding writers. Any age, but the Watlington Times are particularly keen to encourage younger writers.
Grant applications - good for anyone with experience of this - find out about sources of funding and work with project leads to make the applications.
Young WCAG! - We're starting a group run by young people to help raise awareness of climate issues and take action. We also need the voice of younger people in our group as a whole. Let us know if you would like to join this group!
Contact us if you would like to get involved.